
Monday, September 19, 2005

Blogging Motivation

Every blogger blogs for a different reason. Some seek pundit status and ultimately a crack at the big time—a paying column. Some seek debate and spend hours on their blog each day going back and forth with each person who comments. Some seek to promote their business. Some simply seek a voice—a small space in the blogosphere to record and share the things that matter most to them.

I don't think any of these motivations are wrong. They are all just different, and as such, their blogs are set up slightly differently. As for me, I fall into the latter camp—the one that just wants to record and share my thoughts and passions with those who are interested in hearing them. Well, that's not entirely true. I'd love to see a few people who read this blog discover my book, Single Servings, and pick up a copy. But I have another site set up for the promotion of that book. Instead, I just want Little Nuances to be one of those sites that people visit briefly during their day, smile a little, and then move on.

Likewise, I don't have a lot of time to devote to the site. So, I'll make my observations quickly and move on. With all of this in mind, I tweaked Little Nuances a little over the weekend and will probably continue to do so. The comments section is gone because I have no real desire for debate at this site, or the time to do so. But feel free to e-mail me. I've added a section on the right side of the page that will highlight some of the books I'm currently reading. And I'll add other content in the coming months.