
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Men Unnecessary?

I have a hard time believing that anybody except radical feminists actually believe that boys don't really need fathers, but yet Rodale Books recently published a book called Raising Boys Without Men: How Maverick Moms Are Creating the Next Generation of Exceptional Men by Peggy F. Drexler, PH.D, with Linden Gross.

According to the publisher's website, Drexler's research for the book led her to conclude that: "Female-headed households may be even better parents for boys than households with men. Sons from these families are growing up emotionally stronger, more empathetic, and more well-rounded than boys from 'traditional' mother-father families. While more in touch with their feelings, these boys remain boyish and masculine in all the ways defined by our culture."

Glenn Sacks, formerly an elementary and high school teacher, and currently a columnist and talk show host, noted this about Drexler's research in one of his recent columns: "For one, the families she studied were those who volunteered to have their lives intimately examined over a multi-year period—a self-selected sample not representative of the average fatherless family. Also, Drexler's research suffers from confirmatory bias. Drexler is a passionate advocate for single and lesbian mothers. She personally conducted interviews of several dozen single and lesbian mothers and their sons in order to examine their family lives and—no surprise—found them to her liking."

Have we really reached the point in our culture where we are willing to say that boys don't need fathers? Not that boys can't exist or maybe even overcome not having a father—but that they don't need fathers?