
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sick Leave

I haven't been sick for a long time, but some sort of virus hit me on Sunday morning and with the exception of a brief reprieve yesterday, I've been down for the count. I've had more sleep in the past three days than I can ever remember. I needed to get caught up on my sleep though. I just wish it didn't take an illness to cause me to slow down long enough to get caught up.

It's tough to make margin in your life when you run your own business and are continually in search of your next paycheck. Days off just don't happen because you don't get paid. And sick days—well, sometimes you just have to take the day off when you can't function. That's what I'm doing today. But, self-employed people don't have sick leave benefits, so we have to hope that sick days are far and few between.

Since I am out of commission for the day, I think it's time to make a little soup and pop in the second season of Alf I bought on DVD not long ago. Yes, I'm an Alf fan. I love that little critter and now that full season DVDs are produced, I get to relive the whole series again. I just finished season one a few nights ago. I have to mute the parts where he's trying to eat Lucky the cat though. Midnight wouldn't appreciate that very much.