
Thursday, December 01, 2005

100 Things

1. I played tennis and golf in high school.
2. I dreamed about playing tennis on a higher level.
3. I wasn't good enough.
4. I still like to play tennis.
5. It's much harder since I ruptured my Achilles tendon in 1997.
6. I watch the entire U.S. Open Tennis Tournament every year.
7. All two weeks of it.
8. I dropped out of college my sophomore year.
9. I was too immature to handle the work load.
10. Several years later, I had dreams of being a rock star.
11. I wasn't good enough.
12. But I did play the guitar for a few years.
13. And I wrote 10 songs.
14. Only one person besides me has ever heard them.
15. I've had seven jobs in my life.
16. I've been fired only once.
17. The guy was a crook.
18. I work for myself now.
19. I'm a writer.
20. I have always written.
21. I started writing professionally in 2000.
22. Some people consider me a sports writer.
23. I'm a sports columnist for a local newspaper.
24. Some people consider me a singles writer.
25. I'm the former Christianity Today online singles columnist.
26. My first book was written for singles: Single Servings.
27. I expected to be married by now.
28. I have two more books coming out in 2006.
29. They are not written for singles.
30. I started blogging in 2003.
31. My first blog was a cultural/political blog called Right Minded.
32. I love politics and think they are extremely important.
33. But I got tired of writing about them every day.
34. I'm a huge baseball fan.
35. The Kansas City Royals are my favorite team.
36. I watch or listen to most of their games.
37. I blog about them @ Royal Reflections.
38. I've interviewed several Royals players for various newspapers.
39. I've also interviewed Albert Pujols and Bill Buckner.
40. I want to get a novel published.
41. I have written two novels and I'm working on a third.
42. I'm a huge Alf fan.
43. I own the first two seasons on DVD.
44. I can't wait for the third year to come out on DVD.
45. Most of my favorite television shows have been cancelled.
46. Okay, maybe that means I have bad taste.
47. I have a cat named Midnight.
48. I wrote about her here.
49. She's 15 years old.
50. I had two dogs when I was a kid.
51. They were both named Toby.
52. I once had long hair with bleached tips.
53. Yes, it was during the 1980's.
54. Yes, I was a head-banger.
55. I still like that style of music.
56. My first car was a Mazda RX4.
57. I've owned 5 cars in my life.
58. Four of them were small.
59. My current car has over 100,000 miles on it.
60. I love to read.
61. I keep track of how many books I read each year.
62. I've read 15 books so far this year.
63. I read 21 books in 2004.
64. I read 22 books in 2003.
65. My two favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks and Jan Karon.
66. In addition to reading fiction, I like to read theology books.
67. And I like to read books about current events.
68. I subscribe to way too many magazines.
69. I have three favorite movies.
70. Braveheart—the most inspiring move ever.
71. The Notebook—the best love story ever.
72. Notting Hill—the second best love story ever.
73. Yes, I'm a chick-flick fan.
74. I have a bad memory for most things.
75. I have an excellent memory regarding dates in which events occur.
76. I used to be out to change the world.
77. Now I think that was quite arrogant.
78. I'm introverted and don't show a lot of emotion.
79. But I'm extremely emotional.
80. I've never been outside of the United States.
81. I don't have a big desire to travel outside of the United States.
82. But I wouldn't mind visiting England, Scotland, and Ireland.
83. I love coffee shops.
84. I love book stores even more.
85. I like deep conversations.
86. But not all the time.
87. Sometimes I like to act crazy.
88. But I only do that around people I know really, really, really, well.
89. I've had several nicknames.
90. I've hated them all.
91. I love the snow.
92. It is so relaxing.
93. I enjoy nature.
94. But I don't enjoy it often enough.
95. I like to fish.
96. But I'm terrible at it.
97. I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.
98. I'm a new NASCAR fan.
99. I'm in a bowling league.
100. My biggest unfulfilled dream is to be married with children.