
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Light from Heaven

Well, sadly for me, I just finished the seventh and final novel, Light from Heaven, in the Mitford series by Jan Karon. Here are a few excerpts from the book—they are but a taste of the endearing characters that Jan Karon brought to life and allowed us to enjoy for so many years:

"I love pickup trucks."

He laughed. "What don't you love, Kavanagh?"

"Twenty-five-watt bulbs in reading lamps, cats that throw up on the rug after devouring a mouse, age spots…"

"The usual," he said.

"Just look!" She showed him the backs of her hands.

"Freckles," he said. "Trust me."


"Let's play a game," he said to his wife.

"I love games!"

"What don't you love, Kavanagh?"

"Jeans without Lycra, lug soles on barn shoes, age spots…"


"And," she continued, "any sitcom more recent than M*A*S*H."


Here's a quote by Francois Mauriac that Father Tim wrote in a letter to one of his friends: "If you would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads but what he rereads."


Here's a little of what Father Tim said at Bill Watson's (who was known in Mitford for always being prepared to tell a good joke) funeral: "When the tide seemed to turn against loving, he loved anyway. When doing the wrong thing was far easier than doing the right thing, he did the right thing anyway. And when circumstances sought to prevail against laughter, he laughed anyway."


When Father Tim and Cynthia went for a walk in the woods, they spread a quilt on the ground and found great contentment lying next to each other. Father Tim quoted Churchill to her: "We're always getting ready to live, but never living.' We should have done this sooner." Then Cynthia turns to him and quotes Henry Canby: "Live deep instead of fast."


"Cynthia, Cynthia, what don't you love?"

"Shopping malls at any time of year, especially now [Christmas]; flea shampoo that does nothing more than attract a new colony of fleas; and roasts that cost a fortune and cook out dry."

"When I ask you this question, you always have the answer on the tip of your tongue. How do you do that?"

"I don't know, I suppose it's just in there, waiting to get out."