
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Midweek Quotes

Alright. One more set of Alf quotes—just because he's so funny. These are all taken from season two…and sadly, I've worked my way through the entire season and now I'm already looking forward to season three.

"I never wager more than I'm willing to lose. I'll bet Willie's car."

"Finger sandwiches? And you won't let me eat cats!"

"Now that's dogma. It's worse than dogma. It's dogma-nure."

"I'm in big trouble. Even on the Alf-scale—this one's a humdinger."

"Could you be a dear and Hoover the crumbs out of my fur?"

"Like my old ball coach used to say, 'Find out what you don't do well, then don't do it.'"

"If I revealed myself to the world, I could become a star. I might even get my own TV show. A poignant drama about my generation. We'll call it Two Hundred and Thirty Something."

"Welcome to Alf-catraz. How was the party?"

"I need something to wash this down with. Got any ketchup?"