
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

So You Want to Start a Blog?

You may have noticed on the right side of the page that I've added a new e-book that I wrote called So You Want to Start a Blog?

I'm often asked questions about blogging and thought it was a good time to compile all of my answers into an easy to follow format. The result is an 11-page e-book in .pdf format. In the e-book, I cover: 10 Reasons to Blog, 6 questions to ask yourself before you begin to blog, a list of free and fee based blog hosting services, 6 things to consider before you write your first post, 8 ways to increase and hold readership, and I cover the "extras" to make your blog stand out. The e-book also covers blogosphere protocol, aggregators, and addresses the concept of making money from your blog.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the e-book, just click on the "buy now" button on the right side of the page under the information about the e-book. The cost is $4.95 and once I've received payment via Paypal, you will receive the e-book via e-mail within 24 hours.

And just for today, I'm making three copies of the e-book available for free to the first three people who e-mail me ( and agree to write a short one paragraph review of the book that I can use when marketing the e-book. Of course, you wouldn't be obligated to write a positive review. I just want an honest review that explains whether or not the e-book was helpful.

I taught a class about blogging last month at a writer's conference and I used this e-book as my guide. A CD of that presentation is also available (for $5.00 + $3.00 s/h). You'll also see a "buy now" button for that on the right side of the page if you are interested.

UPDATE @ 1:24 PM: The three free copies of the e-book are gone. Thanks!