
Monday, March 27, 2006

Abdul Rahman

Does anybody still question whether Islam makes converts via the sword after the Abdul Rahman case in Afghanistan? Last night, NBC reported that the "case" against Rahman was dropped because of "some technical as well as legal flaws." Notice that it wasn't dropped because the law was asinine or intolerant. And even though Rahman appears to be free, the law remains on the books.

What would happen if America had a similar law that said that anybody who was found guilty of converting to Islam would be executed? What sort of global outcry would we experience? Would Islamic nations declare war against us? Would terrorists step up their attempted attacks? Would the United Nations step in? How about an international court? The answer to all of those questions is probably yes.

If we think the level of hatred that Islamic countries have for America is high right now, how much higher would it be if we threatened to execute a convert to Islam? And why does Afghanistan get off so easily? Why aren't they seen as monsters rather than just a "new democracy" trying to find her way? I don't have an answer for that question, but listening to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on "Meet the Press" yesterday morning was sickening.

Here's part of what she said after making a case that the United States is in favor of religious freedom around the world: "We have to be respectful of the fact that this is a country that is coming out of twenty-five years of civil war. A country that is going to have to find its own way. And a country that is going through one of the most difficult debates that any society goes through—and that is the proper role of religion in the politics of the state."

After being questioned by host Tim Russert about Afghanistan's human rights violations, during which he said that the violations are "a far cry from the responsibilities and rights given to most people who live in a democracy," Rice responded by saying, "It's also a far cry from the Taliban. This is a country that has come an enormous way in four years."

We're talking about a country who believes it is okay to murder somebody for not holding to a particular belief system. How can that possibly be a far cry from the Taliban? And weren't we led to believe that the Taliban was a bunch of religious extremists who took over Afghanistan, but they didn't really speak for the common people? Looks to me like they spoke for the common people more than we ever imagined.