
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Can You Help?

This post is for those who have a good understanding of HTML coding and are willing to help me out a little:

I've created a new header for this blog, but I can't figure out how to install it. Here's a rundown of what I've done:

1. I created a header that is 760 X 192 and I've saved it as a .jpg.
2. I saved the image at a host site.
3. I removed the original header url in the HTML coding.
4. I pointed the header to the url where the new imaged is hosted.

What I end up seeing is the new header over the top of the old header. [You don't see that now because I didn't save the changes.] What part of the coding do I need to change or remove so that I only see the new header? Or is it more complicated than that? If anybody has any suggestions, please e-mail me.