
Friday, July 28, 2006

More Alf

How about a few more Alf quotes for comedic relief as we head into the weekend? These all come from Season Three on DVD:

“Kate, I’m sorry I broke your wedding present. I was going to tell you, but I was waiting to see if the marriage would last.”

“Oh, what a day. First I broke Willie’s windshield. Then I broke Willie’s power saw. Now I broke Willie.”

“Work? You mean in my new life, I have a job? But I’m a domestic alien. See, I belong at home—guarding the refrigerator and monitoring TV programming for the children.”

“It’s 6:13. One minute to go Luckmeister [the cat]. Then I’ll be down on you like a buzzard on a gut wagon.”

“Oh, that’s just nuclear waste from my spaceship. Oh hey, don’t worry—life on this planet as we know it won’t cease as long as that little lid doesn’t pop off. Oh wait. These are my crayons.”