
Monday, August 14, 2006

40th Birthday

Today is my 40th birthday. Here are a few of the things running through my mind:

--I wish I had the wisdom at 18 that I have now. Not that I’m wise, but experience is a great teacher. In my case, by the time I started to understand the answers, I didn’t have the time, energy, or ability to implement what I’d learned in many of the endeavors that I would have liked to have pursued. Looking back on the first 18 years of my life, I didn’t have a clue how to live. I quit college on a whim. I hardly ever thought about the future. And I didn’t really pursue my dreams.

--I’m generally quite content with my age and my lot in life. I have my dream job (well, I’d prefer to be writing novels full time, but getting to write anything full time is a blast), I have great friends, an extended family I keep in contact with, a good church, a rather large library, good enough health to still play the sport I love (tennis), and a cat that I’ve had for the past 16 years to enjoy it all with.

--The one thing that has eluded me is marriage and children. Marriage can happen at any age, but the longer it takes, the smaller my chances are of having children. I’ve made my peace with that. Generally speaking, a war needs to take place before peace can occur. I fought that war, and survived it.

--Time seems more important to me than it ever has. My father died in his 60’s. So did his father. And I don’t think my father’s father lived to a ripe old age either. So I’m not overly optimistic that I’ll be the exception. That doesn’t bum me out, or stop me from living—quite the contrary, I enjoy each day, knowing that it’s a gift from God.

--Life is too short not to say the things that need to be said. I haven’t always done so, but in recent years I have.

--I appreciate celebrations now more than ever. I love getting together to hang out to celebrate friends’ birthdays or accomplishments. I make time to celebrate completed work projects. I’m always looking for a reason to celebrate because celebrations make life a little sweeter.