
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Change is Good ... Sometimes

If you've learned anything about me since I started this blog started more than a year ago, you know that I'm a tad bit sentimental. Okay, not just a tad bit. I'm sentimental. But that doesn't mean that a guy can't be happy about a change once in a while.

Yesterday, I read an article in my local newspaper about the high school I attended and graduated from in 1984. A nonprofit group has begun the process of raising funds to build a new football and soccer stadium in a place that generations of students have referred to as "the hole" -- which consists of a practice football field with a track surrounding it, set down in what truly appears to be a big hole.

I never played high school football, but the tennis courts are located on the edge of the hole and I spent many afternoons on those courts practicing and playing for my high school. And while the hole has an unmistakable charm, I'm happy to know that the land is about to be converted to a complete stadium. For as long as I can remember, home football games have been held at a local junior high school that's located at least five miles away.

The article describes the new facilities this way: "The group has proposed a 4,000-5,000-seat stadium at Collin Field. It would have an artificial turf field for football and soccer, surrounded by a refurbished track. Lights, grandstands, locker rooms, concessions and other facilities would be erected. The grounds would be beautified."

I love the thought of future generations of students attending games at the new stadium on brisk fall nights and enjoying themselves. And maybe, just maybe, someone will be sentimental enough to remind them of the way things used to be.