
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Here Comes Spring

In typical Nebraska fashion, we’ve gone from having a blizzard to 69 degree weather in just eleven days. Only a trace of the blizzard remains on the ground. Spring training is under way. Midnight is sleeping in the windowsill again. I’m already thinking about cranking on the a/c. And yesterday morning, I stumbled over my tennis racket while getting clothes out of my closet—and I instantly wanted to head for the tennis courts.

I’m old, and slow, and busy, and constantly tired, but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to hit the tennis courts again soon. I haven’t played since late October or early November. And I still remember the last time I played—thinking that I could hide my racket in the closet because cold weather was on the way. That seems like such a long time ago.

What are you looking forward to getting out and doing as we head towards spring?