
Monday, June 11, 2007

Breaking Out in Song

I went out to eat with my family last night. The restaurant we went to wasn't as crowed as it normally is, but in one section, about 20 senior citizens were gathered around several tables that were pushed together. At one point, several of them broke out in song. I have no idea what they were singing because they were singing in another language. If I had to guess, it was probably Polish, since I live in a neighborhood that has a large contingency of people of Polish descent.

A few minutes later, several more got their courage up and they joined the others in another song. Finally, nearly everybody at the table was singing--some of whom were horribly off key, but the beautiful thing was, nobody seemed to care.

My 17 year-old niece commented about how nice it was to see elderly people so happy. And before you ask, this restaurant doesn't serve alcohol. So, it was just a bunch of friends getting together to either celebrate something, or maybe they just got together to celebrate life. I don't know.

But it was nice to see. And hear.