
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Little Nuances

A week or so ago, I taught a writing class and during my presentation I used the phrase "little nuances." It wasn't a shameless plug for my blog. It just sort of slipped out. Then, a few days ago, I received an e-mail from a friend who said that a friend used the phrase in a conversation with her and she thought her friend was referring to this blog. How funny is that? I guess I have the corner on the "little nuances" market, huh?

The phrase encompasses the essence of what I wanted to discuss on this blog when I first started it. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the word "nuance" means; 1: a subtle distinction or variation, 2: a subtle quality, or 3: sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value).

In some ways, I hope this blog falls into all three definitions. I love digging deeper into music, movies, books, and seemingly routine events. When I come up with something that means something to me, I tell you about it, hoping that somehow you'll be able to relate to my experiences. 

You might think that the term "little nuances" is redundant since nuances are by definition subtle, but I chose the title purposefully with the intention of going deeper than even the nuances of life. I want to dig into the crevices of the nuances and examine them. I'm not sure I pull it off very often, but that's my aim.