
Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Sendoff to War

Back in 1988, a few of my friends decided to join the Navy Reserve. We'd been out of high school for four years at the time and I'm not sure how the conversation got started, but three of them signed up and headed off to boot camp.

That seems like a ridiculously long time ago.

Two of the guys decided not to re-enlist when they had a chance, but one has continued to re-enlist and he now has 19 years of service. His name is Jim and he was my best friend in high school. We played on our high school tennis team together. Then became drinking buddies. Then roommates. And then he got married and had children.

Jim got a call recently and he was informed that his division is going to Iraq. He's in the Seabee's, so presumably he'll be doing some sort of reconstruction there, but he doesn't really know and even if he did, he couldn't say. It's better that way.

Tonight his wife is having some of his friends over for a "Wish Jim Well" party. He leaves for training next week and since I'll be traveling next week, this is the last time I'll see him for a while. So, we'll spend a little time together. Reminisce about the good ole' days. And dream about the future.

But it'll be hard to see him go.

Families and friends all across the country have been enduring such separation for as long as we've been a nation. And now it's Jim's family's turn. And it's my turn. If you are so inclined, I'd appreciate it if you'd say a prayer for Jim.