
Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Free-for-All

--Before I left New Mexico last week for the long drive home to Nebraska, I heard that a snow storm had hit the Denver area. Since I was planning to travel through Denver on my way home, I called a good friend who is a weather guru and he pointed me in the opposite direction. So I drove through the Texas panhandle--staying overnight in Amarillo on Sunday night--and then drove through Oklahoma, Kansas, and part of Nebraska on Monday.

--I've never been to Texas and I've only been in Oklahoma once, so I really enjoyed the drive. I had a lot of time to think and I enjoyed the sights along the way. Texas had two speed limits on the interstate--one for the daytime and one for at night. Oklahoma had giant windmills of some sort on the side of the interstate and I have no idea what their purpose was, but they were quite a sight. In Kansas I took the turnpike and honestly it didn't produce many great sights, but it did provide a quick way to travel. Once I reached the Nebraska border, I took on old highway the final two hundred miles and that was fun. I wouldn't want to travel long distances on highways, but something about stopping in small towns, and seeing hotels and cafes that aren't chains stirs up feelings of nostalgia.

--My cat, the beloved Midnight, has hardly left my side since I got home on Monday night. No amount of promises will convince her that I'm not going leave her for a week again any time soon. She just looks up at me and meows. And if that doesn't get my attention then she maneuvers herself in such a fashion that she is between me and my keyboard. Guess I can't blame her though. I missed her too.

--Can you believe that Christmas is just two months away? I'm already starting to get into the spirit. I was surprised by how many copies of The Experience of Christmas I sold last week at the writer's conference. Speaking of that book, I owe all of you who are subscribers a drawing for a free copy of it--something I should have done back on October 1. I think I'll do two drawings on November 1. So if you aren't already a subscriber, now is the time to place your email address in the box in the upper right hand corner of this page. You'll begin receiving new posts every time I write them and you'll be eligible to win free prizes. How cool is that?

Hope you all have a great weekend. Next week, I'll be back to regularly scheduled posting.