
Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday Free-for-All

--Thanks to everybody who took the time to vote for Little Nuances in the 2007 Weblog Awards. Last time I checked, the voting wasn't finalized, but I was pleased with the way things turned out--especially given the number of great blogs in the Best Diarist category.

--I received several very nice, heart-felt emails from people this past week saying that they are enjoying Little Nuances. Some even shared their own common experiences with me--which I just love, by the way. Thank you for taking the time to do so.

--So, I have had this huge pile of paperwork (mostly junk mail) that I've needed to sort through for a long time, but just haven't gotten around to it. I sort it out on Wednesday night and found four twenty dollar bills in the middle of the pile. Talk about incentive for cleaning! Actually I knew it was around here somewhere, but it was nice to finally find it.

--Baptist Press Sports published an article I wrote this week about Tom Osborne returning to Nebraska as the interim athletic director. I interviewed him a week ago for the story. If you'd like to read it, click here: Osborne returns to familiar surroundings at Nebraska as interim AD.

--Went to see Dan in Real Life with my 17-year old niece the other night. I identified with so much of the movie, and more specifically with Dan, that it was a little scary. Dan is a middle-aged widower who is raising three girls. He's a columnist and author. And as the movie opens, he's beginning to think about love again. It's been four years since his wife died. He uses the word "peeps," much like I do, to my niece's chagrin. He plays the guitar, like I used to--well, sort of. He loves bookstores, and that's so me. I'm not a widower, and I'm not raising three girls, but so much of his life looked like mine that my niece commented about it.

Have a great weekend everybody!