
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The Family Glue

My grandma used to be the glue that held my family together. She insisted that our family get together for scheduled meals each week. She had Christmas at her house every year for the entire family. She handwrote letters to family members who lived too far away to visit on a regular basis. She made phone calls, sent cards, and did everything she could to keep in contact with our family.

My grandma died in 2002 and I wondered what would happen after that. I'm pretty good about keeping in contact with family, but not good enough to fill my grandma's shoes. I drop the ball from time to time. And I certainly not capable of cooking big dinners for family during the holidays. And in reality, in nearly every family, someone just naturally assumes the role. That's what happened in my family.

My sister Nicole in St. Louis is doing my grandma proud. She sends birthday cards to everyone in the family--including extended family we rarely see. She sends packages of goodies for any or no reason at all. She emails relatives all over the country and even the world. She makes phone calls. She organizes meals in her home. She continually invites us to visit. Her husband told me a couple of years ago that nothing in Nicole's life is more important to her than her family. And it shows.

A couple of weeks ago, Nicole sent my 17 year-old niece a huge package. My niece loves it when her aunt sends her packages and I can understand why. This particular package contained candy, magazines, and even a blanket. I glanced down at the postmark on the box and saw that it cost Nicole $18.00 to mail it. That gives you an idea about how full the box was--but most of all, it was filled with love.

This morning I received an email from her with my brother's new mailing address. He joined the Army recently and he's currently in boot camp. I don't know how Nicole keeps track of it all, or how she finds time to do it all--especially since she is married and has a three year-old running around, but she does. And our family is better because of it.

Tomorrow is Nicole's birthday and I know that somehow, during her busy schedule, she'll find time to read this. So, if you'll allow me to get a little personal, I'd like to say happy birthday Nicole! Thanks for everything you do for our family. It's appreciated more than you know.