
Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I've been thinking about the post I wrote yesterday and think I can be a little more specific. Although not a lot more. I'm finding pockets of life that completely satisfy me and I wonder if those aren't the key notes of this season of my life. I have several great friends who I can count on. We spend most weekends together. We laugh. We show up for each other when times are tough. And we "get" each other. A guy could do much worse than having friends like these.

And I'm developing new friendships that I would have never imagined and never really sought. This new group of friends clicks with each other other because we're all sort of in the same position in life right now. Just knowing that other people are going through what you are going through can ease burdens.

And I have another set of friends that goes way back. We've rediscovered each other in recent years and it's so much fun re-living the old days. It brings a deep sense of comfort to know that I've done life with these people. It's like adding context to life. Sure, we've had huge gaps in our communication over the years, but just knowing that a foundation exists means a lot to me.

So, maybe my key note in 2007 was people, which is an odd thing for me to say since I spent so much of my life shying away from people. Or maybe people are the beautiful melody that leads back to the key note. I don't know. But I thought I'd try to explain it to you as best I could knowing that you could probably relate somehow.