
Friday, January 18, 2008


I woke up around 5:00 AM this morning and saw that Andy Roddick was playing Philipp Kohlschreiber in the third round of the Australian Open. So that's how I started my day. Kohlschreiber is supposed to be an up and comer, but I've never seen him play before. If this match is any indication of how good he can be, then look out. He hit over 100 winners and beat Roddick 8-6 in the fifth set. Roddick played unbelievably well too, but in the end Kohlschreiber's backhand was too much.

One of the lights burned out in my office a week or so ago and I didn't bother to replace it. I still had one good light--that was good enough; at least that's how my thinking went. But yesterday I had a long way to go on a project that was due and I found myself squinting to see the text in a reference book I was using, so I replaced the burned out light and was amazed at how much it effected my production. It nearly doubled. I guess it actually helps when you can see what you are working on. Duh!

So I've got another idea for a moleskine notebook. Yeah, I already have too many of them going at once as it is. But that's okay. I'm thinking that I might start one to catalog the books I read. It'd take me years to fill up such a notebook, but think about how much fun it would be to go back and read when I'm older? Or how much fun it might be for my niece to read after I'm gone? Okay, maybe it wouldn't be fun for anybody to read, but at least it would be fun to keep.

Have a great weekend!