
Friday, February 08, 2008

Friday Tidbits

I'm reading Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott right now. She starts one chapter this way: "Broken things have been on my mind lately because so much has broken in my life this year and in the lives of the people I love--hearts, health, confidence." Broken things are all around us; broken people, broken promises, broken motivations. But the thing is, brokenness isn't just around us. It is in us as well. We just don't like to admit it. 

I ordered a few more books recently to add to my "to be read" pile. I've never read Christy by Catherine Marshall, so I ordered that. I also ordered Coach's Challenge by Mike Gottfried with Ron Benson. I'm proud to call Ron a friend. He's also a great writer and a fellow blogger. Check out Grace Clinic if you get a chance. Finally, I ordered a book called Three Finger: The Mordecai Brown Story by Cindy Thomson and Scott Brown. It's a book about a guy who lost two of his fingers in a farming accident in the early 1900's, but still went on to pitch in the major leagues.

So the Giants beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl last weekend. I was glad to see it. Maybe it's just me, but the Patriots seem to be full of themselves. Or at least they did before they lost. Of course, they do play in the AFC, the same conference in which my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers play, so I might be showing a little bias.

We had another five or six inches of snow here in Nebraska a couple of days ago. And we've had snow on the ground since November. But I'm still not tired of it. Give me this weather any day over a sunny hundred degree day. Of course, there's a lot of room between the two extremes and with baseball season on the way, I'm also ready for some middle ground.