
Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Technology Style

Yesterday was my 42nd birthday. And it was the most diverse birthday I've ever had, technologically speaking.

Two people sent me a text message wishing me a happy birthday; four called me; five sent me an email (one remembered because we are buddies over at and it displays the date of birth); three sent me traditional birthday cards; and one sent me a message through Facebook. That prompted someone else I know to write birthday well-wishes on my Facebook wall.

That's the world we live in. Some use old school methods of communication and some use new. I pretend to live somewhere in between. But everybody pretty much knows that I'm not cool enough to pull off anything modern--especially social networking.

I have a Twitter account, but I haven't quite figured out the point. I know just enough about online social networking to use it, but not nearly enough to use it efficiently. I'm still trying to figure out what it means to get "poked" on Facebook. [I'm guessing that it means someone is sticking his or her cyber finger into my side to say "hi," but I'm not exactly sure--so it's probably better not to "poke back."]

All kidding aside, I really do appreciate all of the many methods people used to let me know they were thinking about me on my birthday. It's nice to be remembered.