
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Loosely Connected Thoughts

I have several loosely connected thoughts running through my head this morning. I'm not going to try to connect the dots though; I'll just put them out there and see if you can make sense out of them.

--As I was trading text messages with a friend last night, we got into a conversation about how sometimes life gives us good distractions during difficult times. For me, those good distractions often entail a sporting event, a short trip with a friend, or a movie. Real life is always waiting around the corner, but it's nice to not have to think about it for a while.

--I know it isn't practical, but as a male I tend to compartmentalize life. When I'm working, I'm not thinking about anything else. When I'm watching a movie, I'm totally involved in the movie. When I go to a baseball game, I'm all in. Of course, that causes all sorts of problems--like not writing a check for a bill that needs to paid, forgetting to return a phone call, etc.

--Life beautifully overlaps. As much as I tend to compartmentalize, I love to see the way life can overlap. It can be as simple as being moved by a phrase in a poem or a certain line from a book, and then finding the perfect opportunity during a conversation to bring that phrase or line into the mix. Or it can be hearing about something you don't have any interest in, but later it helps you to connect with someone you love because he or she is interested in it.