
Monday, December 15, 2008

Diaper Drive

This past weekend, some friends and I continued more of our Christmas traditions. I don’t know how long ago we started this, but we decided to stop trading gifts at Christmas and instead pool the money we would spend on gifts for each other to use it for the needs of the people in our local rescue mission. Some years we’ve purchased food and taken it to the mission. In more recent years we’ve bought diapers for the mission’s annual diaper drive.

You’d think that after doing this for a few years we’d have some clue about the diaper buying process, but really we don’t. We’re three single, 40-something year-old guys, none of whom have ever been married or had children. We just know that we need to buy different sizes of diapers because there are difference sizes of babies.

On Saturday, we were in Wal-Mart, probably looking rather confused, when a family came down the aisle. The mom came to our rescue and told us which diapers were best and that diaper packaging has numbers on it ranging from 1-5. The lower numbers are for younger babies and so on. We even learned that “NB” stands for new born.

Who knew?

Here’s a picture of me pointing to the number “3” on the packaging, after we’d received the new revelation:

We ended up with a trunk full of diapers:

Then we took them to the pick up point, sponsored by a local radio station, and we stopped long enough to have this photo taken (I’m on the far left, my friend Bob is on the far right, and my friend John is in the back with the back Nebraska hat—the rest of the people were workers from the radio station or members of a local football team):