
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Forget the Groundhog, Clanci Saw Her Shadow

My mom my called me this morning. During our conversation she told me about a new quirk her cat, Clanci, has developed in the past few days. Clanci loves to eat, as evidenced by the fact that she usually beats my mom to the spot where Mom puts Clanci’s food bowl. She prances around and meows until Mom sets the bowl in front of her and then, look out. As she digs in, loud slurps fill the air and food particles go flying. Here’s one of the first photos I ever took of her:

Recently Mom set Clanci’s bowl of food in front of her and Clanci saw Mom’s shadow about the same time and Clanci darted away in fear. Mom thought it might be a fluke, but apparently Clanci recently saw her own shadow by her food bowl and all of this shadow business has caused her to stop eating. This morning Mom told me that she moved Clanci’s bowl into the bathroom (where apparently no shadows exist) and Clanci is back to inhaling her food again.

Mom got the biggest laugh out of this ordeal as she explained it to me. Very few things on this earth make me happier than hearing Mom laugh. I love how the simplest of things, like the crazy antics of a cat and the laughter that follows, can make life so grand.