
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Little Nuances Makeover

Okay, it’s not really a makeover. But I’ve made a few changes over the past few weeks here at Little Nuances and I’m hoping you like them.


I never have done “link exchanges” with other bloggers here unless the exchange benefits readers. People who come to Little Nuances, at least those who don’t know me, presumably come because they want to slow down a little and examine life. I want to examine it with them. So, I typically link to blogs with a similar focus. I revamped my blogroll yesterday (see the section on the right side of the page titled “Blogs That Dig Deeper”). I added several blogs and I removed a few—both of which I did to stay in line with what I’m trying to do here. I hope you’ll visit a few of the blogs on my blogroll if you get a chance.


A month or so ago, I added a subscription option for those who are interested. I’ve used FeedBlitz for quite some time—it allows readers to receive posts via email if they so choose. But for those who aren’t interested in that option, I really didn’t highlight the fact that they could use an RSS reader. So, I added the link “Subscribe in a reader” at the top right side of the page. If you’ve never tried reading blogs in a reader (sometimes called an aggregator) you might want to give one a shot. Using a reader will allow you to scan many blogs on one page. If you see something that intrigues you, click on it and read. It saves a lot of time. If you click on the subscription link at the top of the right side of the page, you’ll see that you can use:

If using a reader is new to you, just go to one of the above links, set up a free account, and begin clicking on subscription links when you visit blogs you find yourself returning to again and again.


I’ve also added a poll on the right side of the page. Each month I’ll put up a new pole because I genuinely want to hear your thoughts. I am planning to blog about the results of each pole and I’d really love to have a dialogue with you in the comments of those posts.


Speaking of comments, I’ve also made it easier to comment on posts here at Little Nuances. I turned off the “word verification” feature so you won’t have to go through that hassle any more. I’m going to leave comment moderation on however, so if your comments don’t show up right away, that’s why.

If you’ve never commented on a blog before (some people still send comments via e-mail, and that’s fine, but I’d love to have a running dialogue with you here on the blog instead), then I’m going to walk you through that so you’ll feel more comfortable. To comment on a post here at Little Nuances:

  1. Click on the “Comments” link under the post you want to comment on.
  2. Type your comment in the “Leave your comment” box. It can be long or short.
  3. Scroll down a little and under the “Choose an identity” section, you can choose any of the four options, including being “Anonymous.” If you choose to be anonymous, you can still include your first name at the bottom of your comment, and in fact, I’d prefer that you leave a name.
  4. Once you have chosen an identity, then click on the orange “Publish Your Comment” button.
  5. Your comment will go into a queue and at my earliest convenience, I’ll review it and accept it (assuming it isn’t comment SPAM or somebody looking for a fight).