
Friday, March 06, 2009

Collecting Coffee Mugs

My local newspaper ran a story last week about a group of area high school students who heard that a homeless shelter was short of coffee mugs, so they organized a drive and donated 300 to the shelter. The story makes the point that nearly everybody has an abundance of coffee mugs because they serve as so much more than coffee holders. It says that they are relics of where we’ve been, billboards for our beliefs, representative of our hobbies, and they are reminders of those who love us.

I opened my cupboard after reading this story and here’s what I found:

A Kansas City Royals mug. It’s my favorite for several reasons. Obviously, it allows me to display my loyalty to my favorite team. But it’s also one of my biggest mugs and it has a certain feel to it. It’s smooth and it just feels right in my hand.

A map of the state of Florida mug. I bought it at the airport in Tampa several years ago on my way back home from a writer’s conference. I love it because it highlights all of the big cities I’ve visited.

A Washington Times mug. Got this one as a gift for subscribing to the Washington Times weekly edition many years ago. I don’t use this one much and I don’t subscribe to that newspaper any more either.

An American Christian Romance Writers mug. I attended the conference for this organization four or five years ago—not because I want(ed) to write romance, but rather because their focus was on fiction in general and they generally attract some of the best novelists and fiction editors in the business. But the name of the organization just had to go. Thankfully, it was changed the year I attended the conference to the American Christian Fiction Writers, but the mug remains the same.

A First National Bank of Omaha mug. I used to work there, so this one reminds me of my former co-workers.

A mug that says the following: “A hundred years from now . . . it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove . . . but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.” I ordered this from my niece when she was in grade school. I love to use this mug because it reminds me of her.

A Preferred Stock mug. Got this one in one of those gift sets you see at Christmas time. I bought it for myself because I love the cologne. It’s like a cheap version of Drakkar Noir—my all-time favorite cologne. And who can argue with getting a free coffee mug?

A Baker Publishing Group mug. They sent this to me one year for Christmas. They published my first book, Single Servings. So, it’s a cool memento.

A Gateway mug. Got this one for ordering a Gateway PC many years ago. Ironically, the mug outlasted the PC.