
Friday, March 20, 2009

Recommended Websites/Blogs

The Internet has a bad reputation—sometimes justifiably so—but I’ve been running into some great websites and blogs:

  • Young People Who Rock: A CNN blog written by Nicole Lapin. Each week, she finds one person under 30 and she writes about the differences they are making. One of the entries is about Jessica Cox, a 25-year-old woman who was born without arms. She’s training to become a sports pilot instructor.
  • Consumerist: A blog that links to good shopping deals, gives the consumer tips about current scams, and warns consumers about things like “8 Pieces of Junk Fitness Equipment.” At times, I find this blog to be a bit alarmist, but I also find a lot of informative and interesting content as well.
  • Newsweek: Yes, the magazine. They have have a culture/ideas section that I love to read. One particular story running in that section is titled Just Hold Me—it’s about a reporter’s experience with the Snuggie. In the article, the writer said this: “We spend everyday of our lives learning about the latest terrible economic news: the Dow plummeting, unemployment rates rising or Bernie Madoff's scamming. Even if we're not personally feeling the strain, there's a buzz in the air that tells us to stay home, to relax on the couch, to cook our own dinner—to squirrel up and save for a rainy day.” Good stuff.
  • Books and Culture: Part of the Christianity Today website. One of the things I really like about Books and Culture is that it talks about ideals and principles that are being discussed in books that do not necessarily come from the Christian perspective. I’m attracted to the notion of thinking about life beyond the Christian cloister because most of life happens outside of that rather small circle.

What websites/blogs do you recommend? I’m looking for more cool sites that are out of the mainstream.