
Thursday, May 21, 2009

First Impressions

I dropped the mail on my desk yesterday afternoon and noticed an envelope that had my name and address handwritten on it. No return address. And it had a forty-two cent stamp on it. So, I owe the mailman two cents. Not a big deal if it happened to be a letter from a family member or something I actually wanted to read, but that wasn’t the case.

I opened it and it turned out to be a photocopied form letter from an insurance agent I’ve never heard of who, in short, said this: “I would like the chance to earn your business by offering you an easy way to compare not only our rates, but our quality and service as well.”
Ironic, isn’t it?

I would hardly call a photocopied letter in an envelope deceitfully made to look like a personal letter that doesn’t contain enough postage quality. I sent him an e-mail pointing out the obvious. In his response, he offered to pay the “entire amount” of postage still due to the post office. I think I’m going to send him a response asking him to mail me a check for the “entire” two cents. We’ll see if he puts enough postage on the envelope.

I understand mistakes. I make them all the time. But this was shady to begin with and it irritated me to have to pay part of the postage for a stranger’s deceitfulness. So I had to say my piece.
First impressions really do matter.