
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Product Observations

While I was in the shower this morning I came to the conclusion that I must have a thing for mist. The shampoo I picked up the other day is “refreshing waterfall mist.” Not just “waterfall mist,” but “refreshing water fall mist.” I glanced over at the body wash (which I’m really hoping is soap—why can’t we call it soap anymore?) and it is “ocean mist.” So, apparently, I smell like some combination of refreshing waterfall mist and ocean mist today. I'm not sure if that is an advantage or disadvantage.

Prilosec OTC is a great product but it has to be one of the worst in terms of packaging. Removing the pills is an actual project I put on my to-do list. I’m not kidding. The box I opened this morning contained 42 individually packed pills—all of which needed to be removed with a knife. We can put a man on the moon, but we can't figure out how to put 42 pills in a bottle and call it a day. I just had to use the "man on the moon" thing at least once on this blog. Check out the carnage.

One of the Christmas gifts I received was a “mini-multi-tool with LED light.” It’s pretty cool. It has a key chain, a small flat-nose pliers, several blades, a small screwdriver, a wood saw that I hope I never have to use and a bottle opener. It even came with a carrying case—which would make it nice to just toss into the glove compartment of my car in case I ever needed such tools.

The only problem is, I’m not smart enough to figure out how to squish the thing into the carrying case. When I hold the pliers closed, making the unit as skinny as I can figure it goes, it doesn’t even come close to fitting in the carrying case. What’s a guy to do expect toss the carrying case in the trash and brave the world without it?

Well, that’s not the only problem. The packaging says, “Comes with a nylon belt sheath (which I’m assuming is the same thing as a carrying case), key chain and three button batteries.” I have no idea what “button batteries” are . . . are they shaped in the form of a button? are they supposed to go inside buttons? and where exactly are said button batteries? I can’t find them, unless of course they are all inside the tiny flashlight. I’m not going to check.