
Monday, January 11, 2010

2009 Blizzard Photos

With temperatures expected to climb up into the 30s this week, I decided to jump in my car yesterday and snap some photos of all the snow we have on the ground before it starts to melt. I have a feeling we’ll be talking about the 2009 blizzards in Omaha for a long time. It’s always good, and fun, to do a little documenting.

Unfortunately, the battery in my digital camera was dead so I had to use the camera on my cell phone. It does an adequate job, but some of the photos turned out pretty grainy.

A few of the photos were not necessarily taken yesterday, but they were taken since we received the last big snow on Christmas Day.

My favorite photo of the bunch is the last one, which for the record should say, “Please don’t block driveway.” Somehow the spray painted word “block” disappeared. I suspect a conspiracy.

What the sign means is this … the streets are so full of snow that the plows haven’t been able to clear them all the way from curb to curb and since snow is piled high at the end of everyone’s driveway, they can’t turn sharply enough to avoid the cars parked behind them on the street. And for whatever reason, people who park in the street aren’t taking this into consideration. So many of them are parking directly behind driveways and they don’t really need to. Hence the sign.

Anyway, here are the photos of the aftermath from the 2009 blizzard(s) in Omaha:

IMG00483IMG00538 IMG00494 IMG00495 IMG00496IMG00544 IMG00539 IMG00540 IMG00542 IMG00543IMG00566 IMG00551 IMG00554 IMG00557 IMG00558 IMG00559 IMG00561 IMG00562 IMG00565 

Update 9:34 AM: I found several more photos I’ve taken over the past couple of weeks:

IMG00522 IMG00523 IMG00525 IMG00470IMG00468