
Monday, March 22, 2010

Exploring the Path Home

I learned more sad news this weekend.

Nancy Ring, the woman has been blogging at Anchors, Signposts, & Wanderings for the past few years, died recently. I never met Nancy in real life, but I read her blog, we traded tweets on occasion and she left comments here at Little Nuances.

Crystal Miller has written a tribute to Nancy and she's also posted several other tributes.

After I learned about Nancy's passing, I went back to read some of her posts again. I clicked on her archives and read her first post from September of 2006. Here's a portion:

"As a writer, my job is to discover new portions of the landscape of life and add them to my map. I came up with the tagline 'Exploring the Path Home' to identify the theme that weaves through my freelance writing. Actually, the phrase now serves as a focal point for my whole life. You see, my real home is a place I haven’t been to yet. I look forward to getting there, but truthfully, I hope it doesn’t happen for some time."

Even though it is sooner than she wanted, Nancy is home now. But, I'm thankful she left a piece of herself here with us in the form of her blog. In fact, she left 466 pieces of herself -- that's how many posts she wrote. In the months and years to come, her friends and loved ones will have a treasure trove to dig into whenever they choose to. I hope Nancy's gift to them is a balm to their hurting hearts.