
Monday, March 29, 2010

On the Mend

I felt it coming on last Tuesday morning. I tried to ignore it, tried to talk myself out of it, but I knew.

By Wednesday morning I had a real case of the yucks – just a common cold, but bad enough to keep me from wanting to be around people. I hate passing on an illness.

So, for most of last week I lounged around. I got more sleep than I’ve had in a long time. I skipped my small group church meeting on Wednesday night, rescheduled my dental appointment on Thursday, stayed home on Friday and Saturday night, and slept in on Sunday.

Finally, by yesterday afternoon I was feeling quite a bit better. I’m still probably a day or two away from being complete recovered, but I’m getting there.

Sometimes, sickness can be a blessing in disguise. I probably don’t get enough sleep and I know I get enough down time so illness is a good reminder to slow down.