
Friday, November 05, 2010

Remember When Blockbuster was a Place?


I'm making final preparations for the CLASS Christian Writer's Conference next week in  Abiquiu, NM, so a few scattered thoughts seem appropriate today.

Remember when Blockbuster was a place? It has shrunk to the size of an ATM.

Someone googled "good alf quotes" this morning and ended up here. Melmacians of the world, unite!

It's a good thing I have email. If I didn't, I wouldn't have been notified by several people over the past 24 hours offering me a total of $43 million. Now I just have to figure out why these great offers keep going to my SPAM folder.

If you haven't already seen Secretariat, go. Yes, reviews at CNN,, EW, and probably a dozen other places say the movie is hokey. I didn't see it that way.

Conan returns to the air next week. I might be the only person on the planet who is lukewarm about his comedy. But I'm always impressed with his attitude. I loved what he said about not being cynical on his final Tonight Show all those months ago and I love what he's saying now about his new show.