
Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Food with a Message

When a bottle of wine contains a story about the heritage of the family who started the vineyard, it adds to the wine drinking experience. It makes me feel like I understand the wine I’m drinking and therefore I appreciate it more.

I’m beginning to notice more food products with stories attached. Rachel’s potato chips packaging contains a story about a grandma who passed her recipe on to her granddaughter who is presumably still using that recipe today.

Yesterday, I came across a bag of Brim’s popcorn. It didn’t have a story attached, but it had the text of Isaiah 26:3, which promises perfect peace to those whose mind is stayed on God.

The journalist in me had to know more. Do the other products of this Memphis-based company contain Bible verses?

I found this blog post that shows a bag of Brim’s pork rinds with Psalm 100:5 printed on it. So apparently they do. And then I went to the company’s website and found an Everlasting Life page that lays out the plan of salvation.

The Bible verses and the plan of salvation page may irritate some, but they are part of Brim’s story. In fact, the company’s mission statement ends with, “May our actions and words honor God.” So the packaging is consistent with who the company is and what it believes.

I’m interested in your take on food with a story or message. Are you seeing what I’m seeing? Do you like knowing a company’s story or hearing a message they want to convey to their customers? Or is this marketing overload?