
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Goodbye Love Monkey

I have a little advice for television actors and actresses. If you want to know whether your show is going to be renewed next season, read my blog to see if I like it. If I do, look out, you are about to be cancelled—maybe even in mid-season.

The latest show I watched that just bit the dust is "Love Monkey," which I blogged about last month. Love Monkey only made it three episodes before being yanked off the air. That's a new record for a show that I enjoy. Usually it lasts at least one season.

Maybe I should have waited until after season one before actually admitting that I liked it. Now I'm going to have to read the novel to find out if Tom and Bran ever get together. I just ordered a copy of the book—just in case the publisher was thinking about taking it out of print.