
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

100 Life-enriching Little Nuances

1. Friendships
2. Wildlife
3. Babies
4. Favorite songs
5. People who "get" us
6. Coffee shops
7. Restaurants
8. Books
9. Laughter
10. Weddings
11. Movies
12. Road trips
13. Bike/walking trails
14. Colors
15. Pets
16. Sunglasses
17. Family meals
18. Concerts
19. Sports
20. Ice cream parlors
21. Notebooks
22. Wine
23. Photo albums
24. Deep conversations
25. Not-so-deep conversations
26. Pens
27. Bookstores
28. Parks
29. Newspapers & Magazines
30. First cars
31. The internet
32. Nicknames
33. Sleeping in
34. Smart phones
35. Hunting/Fishing
36. Candles
37. Flowers
38. Memories
39. First kisses
40. Hats
41. Instant communication
42. Movie popcorn
43. Family heirlooms
44. Time alone
45. Handwritten cards/letters
46. Home decor
47. Hard work
48. Vacation days
49. Religious ceremonies
50. Hearing "thank you"
51. Saying "thank you"
52. White noise
53. A well worn piece of furniture
54. Journals
55. Wind
56. Art museums
57. Good service
58. Smiles
59. A favorite television show
60. Family stories
61. Cologne/perfume
62. Social groups
63. Background music
64. Family traditions
65. Graduations
66. Seasons
67. Co-workers
68. History museums
69. Thunderstorms
70. Jokes
71. Routines
72. Comfortable clothing
73. Writing for the sake of it
74. Neighbors
75. Home cooked meals
76. Dance, dance, dance
77. Friendly customer service representatives
78. Helping someone
79. Receiving help
80. Weather
81. Completed goals
82. Radio
83. Teachers who inspire us
84. Maps
85. Windows
86. Fireplaces
87. Garage sales
88. Wall art
89. Online shopping
90. Rainbows
91. Calendars
93. Finding a new author
94. Going away parties
95. Hobbies
96. Dessert
97. Family videos
98. Gifts
99. School plays and concerts
100. Lakes, ponds and rivers