
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Break Time

I feel like I've been hiding in a cave for the past two months. In glancing over the headlines this morning, I realized that I'm almost completely lost in regards to current events. I have no idea who two of the top five people on MSNBC's "It List" are. And the weather here in Nebraska has changed from snow to 80 degrees since I started working on the book I'm currently writing for Barbour Publishing called The Experience of Christmas.

If all goes according to planned, I'll be sending the manuscript to my editor on Wednesday—three days before my deadline. Then, it's break time. I can't tell you the last time I rented a movie and watched it slowly (I pause movies a lot to jot down quotes or to just think about what I've already seen), or read a book in just a few days, or slept more than seven hours. I so need all of those things. So, I'll be taking a couple of days off to recharge my batteries this week. I may not post here on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. We'll see.

I'm going to watch a few movies, read, follow my beloved Kansas City Royals, catch up on a few personal items on my to-do list, and when absolutely necessary sneak in a few hours of work—but not much. Talk to you soon.