
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Five Little Love Monkeys

I got a bit of a consolation prize yesterday when I heard that Love Monkey is back on the air. Temporarily. VH1 picked it up and they ran two of the first three episodes last night. They are going to run the pilot episode tomorrow. And then over the next five Tuesdays they are going to show the five episodes that CBS didn't show.

I still don't understand why the show didn't make it, but I'm glad to get a little closure. So many of the story lines were left hanging when CBS pulled the show. Unfortunately, I don't think five episodes are enough to bring Tom and Bran together—which is what I've been hoping for since I saw the first episode.

The writing on this show is killer. I love the one-liners about song titles because all of the songs they reference are from my era and those songs generate such great memories. I love their pop culture references—especially the ones about actors and actresses of movies I've enjoyed. And I can so relate to their mid-life problems—bulging guts, a step or two slower on the basketball court, and their inability to find the "one."

So, I'm glad to have the show back on the air for a while. Unfortunately, it sounds like Tom Cavanagh is already shooting another show on CBS. But maybe CBS will be just as impatient with the new show and they'll see that Love Monkey is different and worthy of another shot. Yeah, that probably won't happen.

Here are a couple of other posts I wrote about the show:

Love Monkey
Goodbye Love Monkey