
Friday, May 12, 2006

May 2036

I have no idea why I've been thinking about this, but can you imagine what nursing homes are going to look like in 30 years? Not so much the buildings, but the people in them who are so into technology that they would not know what life would be like without Palm Pilots, video games, and Wi-Fi.

Can't you just see a group of 70 year-old men gathered around the television set in one of their rooms trying to remember which combination of buttons they have to hit on their PlayStation 16 controllers in order to have their player spike the ball in taunting-like fashion after scoring a touchdown on Madden 2036? After they try every combination imaginable, one of them whips out his laptop to pull up the website with all of the cheat codes. He sends the website to the printer at the front desk and a nurse delivers it the next time she brings him his medicine.

Or how about a guy whose Palm Pilot beeps at him during dinner to remind him that it's time for Thursday night bingo? And the funny thing is—every other nursing home resident knows exactly what the beeping noise is because by then nearly everybody will have either used a PDA or at the very least, they are aware of how they work.

I wonder if I'll still be playing fantasy baseball if I'm in a nursing home in 2036? I forget to check my team every day now. I can just imagine what it'll be like then. But how funny would it be for my niece (or hopefully kids if I ever get married and have them) to walk in to visit me only to see me hunkered down in front of my laptop bargaining with another fantasy baseball team owner about a trade I need to make so I can finally, finally, win the league?

Just a few scrambled thoughts for your amusement this fine Friday morning.