
Monday, May 15, 2006

Goodbye Radio Console

If you've been reading this blog for a few months, then you know that I blew an engine in my former car back in February and I picked up a used car that has served me well so far. The only drawback has been the lack of a CD player (or even a cassette player). It just had an AM/FM radio and not being able to listen to my CDs has been driving me crazy. I've already taken a couple of trips with my new (old) car and they just aren't the same.

I like to bring my "thinking" music when I travel. And I love to listen to sermons that I've acquired on CD. Something about being on the road, coupled with good thought-provoking material makes for wonderful mind and spirit food. I usually arrive at my destination thinking quite clearly and sometimes I even make important decisions while I'm behind the wheel. So, you can see why I like having complete control over what I listen to in my car.

On Friday, I broke down and picked up a cheap CD player for my car. I had it installed (for free!) and by Friday night, my tension was already beginning to ease. Over the weekend, I put my old AM/FM stereo up for sale on ebay. I started the bidding price at $4.95. So far, I don't have any takers. I guess I'm not alone in my quest to have complete control over what I listen to while driving.

I told a friend in a joking manner about putting my old stereo on ebay (thinking nobody would want it) and he said that need is relative in a case like this. For somebody whose radio died, he might be thrilled to find my stereo on ebay because listening to the radio is the only thing he has ever known. Maybe it's his way of unwinding after a long day. And who knows, he might be going crazy like I've been doing in recent months.

My friend is probably right. I can just imagine a guy who made the change from CD player to Satellite radio saying he'd go nuts without the new technology. So, maybe the point is to work within your budget to find the best setup possible and then enjoy it for all it's worth. I don't have any endeavors to go to the next level, although it would be nice. I'm just happy that I won't be hearing "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt in my car again any time soon.