
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Elizabethtown, Part 4

We're up to my fifth favorite movie of all time in our Top 10 Tuesdays series.

#5: Elizabethtown, starring Orlando Bloom (as Drew) and Kirsten Dunst (as Claire) Released in 2005. I've already written a ton about this movie. Here are several links:

Elizabethtown, Part 1
Elizabethtown, Part 2
Elizabethtown, Part 3
Substitute People
Googling Movie Quotes

You wouldn't think it would even be possible to write another post about this movie, but I'm going to try. Hey, if Sylvester Stallone gets to make six Rocky movies, then I can write a sixth post about Elizabethtown. I've already written about many of the specifics of this movie and why they move me so much. But I've been thinking about it, and I think this movie hits me in the gut for other reasons as well.

Something about the process by which Drew and Claire got to know each other draws me to this movie. Their all-night phone conversation. Their sense that something was happening between them, but at the same time, their lack of desire to squeeze it too tightly. Their lack of awkwardness as they revealed themselves to each other. Their ability to understand each other without having to have things spelled out. Their ability to know what the other person needs without having to have things spelled out. Somehow it all seems so real, and nice, and yet, unattainable in the real world.

But maybe that's just because it hasn't happened for me yet. I don't know. I just know that it's a movie I can watch over and over again.

Previous posts in this series:

#6, Luther
#7, Serendipity
#8, Message in a Bottle
#9, A Walk to Remember
#10, In Love and War