
Monday, December 11, 2006

Heidi Joy

This past weekend, my friends and I continued a Christmas tradition that we started four or five years ago. We went to see Heidi Joy perform her annual “Holiday Joy” concert at the Joslyn Art Museum’s Witherspoon Concert Hall in Omaha, Nebraska.

She has one of the most unique and powerful voices I’ve ever heard. And as I said in a post about her show last year, she has the ability to capture listeners and she takes them on a journey that often leads to the heavenlies. Her rendition of Mark Lowry's Mary Did You Know? is so powerful that it's not possible for me to hear her sing it without getting tears in my eyes.

I don’t think her music can be defined by genre. If you forced me to try, I’d say that she’s a mix between opera and gospel. I know—it’s hard to imagine, but she pulls it off wonderfully. At times, she sings a-capella and the concert hall is otherwise dead silent as people experience her music in personal ways. At other times, church breaks out when her eleven-member band lends her support in singing gospel-style tunes.

Heidi has five CDs out—two of which are Christmas related. You wouldn’t go wrong in buying any of them (I own all five), but I’d highly encourage you to pick up her two Christmas CDs: Holiday Joy and her recently released Heavenly Peace. Just go to her website and click on “cd’s” at the top. You can click on many of the songs and listen to samples if you are interested.

Heidi’s annual Christmas concert is one of the highlights of my Christmas season. She beautifully calls us to remember the birth of the Savior and to be thankful for what he has done.