
Friday, July 27, 2007

The Death of a Waterbed

Back in 1991, I won a sizable gift certificate to a local furniture store for having perfect attendance at work. I knew exactly what I was going to get. I raced out to the furniture store the next day and purchased a waterbed.

Don't laugh. They were popular back then. And I'd wanted one for quite a while. So, I finally got one and I loved it. It was comfortable. My cat loved it. And for the past 16 years, it served me well.

A couple of nights ago, the heating coil died. Don't tell my bed this, but I'd been thinking about replacing her anyway. My 40 year-old back isn't what it used to be and I'm thinking that a waterbed probably isn't the best thing for a bad back.

I'm sure I could have found a used heating coil somewhere, but I'd still have to drain the bed, put the new heating coil in place, and re-fill the bed. That doesn't sound real appealing to me though. So, I decided it was time to let her go.

I went back to the same furniture store and purchased a new bed. I had no idea how expensive they were, but I'm hoping that I'll be set for another 16 years. My new bed isn't a water bed and truth be told, it's fancier than I really need. But comfort matters more than it used to.

But I'm still kind of bummed about the end of my waterbed era. I obtained her during my long-haired heavy metal days. Ironically, the bed outlived the music. But saying good-bye won't be easy.

I'm too sentimental I guess. But I can't help it. Anytime I lose something that has been part of my life for a long time it feels like part of the history dies with it. The memories remain, but not having a tangible object to point to somehow begins the memory-dimming process.

I'm thinking I need to take a picture or two of the old girl before my new bed shows up. Farewell old friend. You'll be missed.