
Friday, July 20, 2007

Expanded Horizons

In recent weeks I've been traveling through different parts of the city I live in to visit a sick relative. I don't know the area of town she lives in very well and in the past I've gotten lost in this section of town on more than one occasion.

One time I had my 17 year-old niece with me and we ended up in the middle of nowhere--the place where the street signs no longer have street names but instead have numbers like P-51. That's when I knew we were in trouble. We ended up in a small town about 20 miles north of my city. That made for a good laugh and I still hear about it once in a while.

But now that I've been through that area of town so often in recent weeks, I'm seeing things I've never seen before. I noticed a department store last night that sits just off the road. And I'm starting to notice people a little more too. So many of them love to work in their yards.

The funny thing is, I've lived in this city my entire life, but I tend to only frequent a certain numbers of places. That's just the way my brain is wired. But last night, I wondered if most of us don't look at life in a similar fashion. We only listen to certain types of music, or read certain types of books, when in reality, if we opened up a little, we could be experiencing so much more.

I know that's true for me.