
Monday, July 16, 2007

Molly Ringwald

I was flipping through television channels on Saturday morning when I ran across a movie starring an actress that looked a lot like a grown up Molly Ringwald. Remember her from The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Pretty in Pink? I've seen The Breakfast Club so many times that I think I could recite most of the lines from each character.

Anyway, it turns out that the actress who looked a lot like a grown up Molly Ringwald really was Molly Ringwald. I don't think I've seen her in a movie since the 80's, but here she was in a movie called The Wives He Forgot. I didn't sit around and watch it because I had work to do, but I was intrigued so I did a quick Google search and discovered that she's been in a ton of movies since her 80's fame. And she's done some theatre work as well.

That impresses me. She could have concluded that she'll never reach the level of success she had in her teen years and that could have kept her from acting, but it hasn't. Instead, she seems quite willing to take parts that intrigue her--even in made for television movies that she knows will never reach the status of her previous work.

She seems like somebody who is doing something she loves simply because she loves doing it. Imagine how much happier all of us would be if we did the same thing.