
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Slow Reader

As you've probably figured out by now, I love books. I love to read them. I love to underline important passages. I love to make notes in them when a line speaks to me. I love the smell of books. I love the way they feel. And I love what they do to my mind. They challenge me, encourage me, and inspire me.

I've always been a bit of a slow reader though and that really used to bum me out. I know one woman who reads 100 books a year. She works full-time and is active in her church, so I have no idea how she does it. I know several writers who read 50 books a year (about one per week). I'm nowhere near either of those totals. I usually shoot for 24 books per year and I usually fall 5-7 books short.

I didn't get bummed out over the fact that I couldn't keep up with others, but instead I'd get bummed out because my pace wouldn't allow me to read everything I wanted to read. The same goes for movies I wanted to watch, magazines I wanted to browse, and nearly every other form of entertainment I'm interested in. But I've come to a conclusion recently. I've made my peace with my slow pace.

If I don't engage in these activities slowly, I miss important elements. And I need time for reflection. In fact, I crave it. That's why I often re-read books or watch movies several times. I want to catch everything I'm supposed to catch. If I don't, I hardly see the point of consuming it to begin with.

Have you noticed that you have your own pace? Is it fast, slow, or somewhere in between? How does your pace help or hinder your personal edification?