
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Road Trip

I'm busy preparing to teach at a writer's conference next month in New Mexico. Usually I fly to the conference, but this year, I decided to rent a car and drive. I may regret the decision, but it's been so long since I've taken a long road trip that I thought it was about time. Well, that, and the prospect of dealing with long delays at airports or being squished into a tiny space in an airplane is losing its appeal. Besides, I do some of my best thinking on road trips. In the past, I've figured out the particulars of relationships, I've made decisions about my career, and I've made personal decisions behind the wheel of a car.

The slow methodical hum of tires gently chewing up an Interstate is like medicine for my mind, and sometimes even my soul. Something about being in motion physically puts my mind in motion and things I haven't been able to work through jar loose and work their way around in my head. I play around with the different scenarios. Some would probably say that I'm overly-analytical and they might be right. I'm not as bad as I used to be, but there does come a time when decisions need to be made.

A year ago at this time, I had the feeling that something big was about to happen in my life. I wasn't sure what it was, or even the nature of it, but I was sure it was going to happen. I don't typically put a lot of clout into subjective feelings, but I did pay more attention to this round of them than I have in the past. To my knowledge, the change never occurred. Maybe I missed an opportunity. Maybe it still exists. And maybe all of this is total nonsense. I don't know.

But that's why I said it was the perfect time for a long drive. Unfortunately I don't leave for another six weeks. But I'm already looking forward to it.