
Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I was doing a little housecleaning on this blog last night and I realized I hadn't done the drawing for the subscribers list for either June or August. I apologize for that. The giveaway for both months was my CD audio presentation of "So, You Want to Start a Blog?" So, I did the drawing this morning and have picked two email addresses out of a hat. I'll be notifying both winners this morning.

If you’d like a chance to win in the future, then subscribe to Little Nuances by providing your e-mail address in the box in the upper right hand corner of the page. Your e-mail address will never be sold. To be eligible to win, you’ll need to be willing to provide a mailing address if/when your e-mail address is chosen. I won’t ask for a mailing address before then. And just like with your e-mail address, your mailing address will be kept completely private.

If you already subscribe to Little Nuances, then you don’t need to do anything. You are already eligible for the prizes.

Here’s a schedule of planned giveaways for the future:

October 1—The Experience of Christmas
December 1—The Experience of Christmas
February 1—Single Servings
April 1—Single Servings
June 1—So You Want to Start a Blog? (audio CD)
August 1—So You Want to Start a Blog? (audio CD)